I am an associate professor in the UCLA Department of Information Studies and served for six years as its chair. I conduct research on the organization of information and knowledge, the social construction of classifications, how people seek and use information, and models of knowledge production. I am also interested in the role of libraries in a civil society, in public discourse and education, and addressing the public school library crisis in California. I have directed, educated and written critically on global efforts to catalog, organize and provide access to written knowledge. I conduct research using bibliometric methods--quantitive methods used to measure and assess various features about books and other forms of knowledge, especially citation-based metrics. I have worked previously as a librarian at the Schomburg Center for Research on Black Culture, and I am a recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering from the National Science Foundation.
IS 19: Fiat Lux: The Numbers Game: Baseball, Statistics, and Seeing the Invisible.
IS 201: Ethics, Diversity, and Change in Information Professions.
IS 208: Scholarly Communication and Bibliometrics.
IS 213: Values and Initiatives in Librarianship.
IS 213: Introduction to Library Services.
IS 260: Information Structures.
IS 260: Description and Access.
IS 204: Introduction to Information Systems and Technology.
IS 210: Seminar: Descriptive and Bibliographical Cataloging.
IS 213: Doctoral Proseminar: Information Storage & Retrieval.
IS 270: Introduction to Information Technology.
IS 273/293: Doctoral Seminar: Information Storage & Retrieval.
IS 288: Research Apprenticeship Committee.
IS 289/296: Doctoral Seminar: Information Structures.
IS 298A/B: Doctoral Seminar: Research Methods and Design.
IS 400: Professional Development & Portfolio Design.
IS 410/461: Descriptive Cataloging.
IS 462: Subject Cataloging.
IS 463: Indexing and Thesaurus Construction.
Biomed Eng. 298/Med. Informatics 230: Knowledge Representation.